Four Tips for Arranging a Movie Night
YOu should never miss an opportunity for a movie night with friends. Sometimes, they might invite you, but sometimes you should organize a night too. This ensures that this tradition keeps going for many years to come even when you have more responsibilities and less time. That said, it’s unlikely to be a success if no one enjoys the movie night. If you are planning to become a host, here are some tips to make sure everyone has a great time at your place.
Decorate the Room for Vibe
The room should match the vibe of the event. You don’t have to do any renovations, but a few additions would set the stage for everyone. Normally, you are supposed to turn off or dim the lights, but make sure you don’t make the room completely dark.
Another important recommendation is that you get an LED display video wall. If you are watching a movie, it has to be on a big screen. Remember, this is the main attraction of the gathering. With an LED display wall, everyone will be able to get that cinema experience within the house.
Make a List of Movies
Can’t just select one movie for a movie night. First, you need to understand the taste of the company. Would they prefer Oppenheimer Barbie? You can’t just stop at one movie. Ask for recommendations from the guest beforehand and arrange all those movies in high definition.
There should be at least 3 movies that everyone is likely to enjoy. If possible, get movies that no one else has watched before. If you can get movies with parts or trilogy, this would be even better. There is always someone who has not watched at least one of the parts. Even if they did, it would have been a long time ago.
Get Snacks and Drinks
Don’t limit your snacks to just popcorn. If you are on budget, you can ask friends to contribute ahead of time, but make sure you provide everyone a complete movie night experience. Get something other snacks such as chips and drinks like beer if you are over the age.
If you are still young, get some light soda that people can drink multiple glasses of. A heavy drink fills the stomach right away and you can’t keep drinking it all night.
Arrange Cushions and Blankets
Some might sit on the couch or bed, depending on where you have arranged the movie night, and some will sit on the floor. However, this doesn’t have to be uncomfortable for them. It’s actually better if everyone sits on the floor if there aren’t enough couches.
However, make sure you arrange cushions and blankets. Your goal should be to try and create a cozy environment. Furthermore, there should be some support for their back. Whether there is a wall or a couch, back support is absolutely important. They won’t be able to watch the movie if they completely lie down.